Walking Miles Beyond a Milestone | Senior Living News in Hamden, CT

Walking Miles Beyond a Milestone

March 3, 2017 No Comments

Joe Fox and his wife Alison moved to Whitney Center, a senior-living community in Hamden, Conn., 13 years ago and this past Monday Fox celebrated his 101st birthday!mr fox

Fox set his sights on achieving one important goal 2 years ago to commemorate his 99th birthday – walking a mile on the treadmill – which he accomplished with ease due in part to his philosophy of leading a balanced life. On Monday he commemorated his 101st birthday by continuing with his tradition of walking a mile on the treadmill.

“The only advice I can offer others is to lead a balanced life and that could mean something different for different people,” said Fox. “Some may not be able to walk a mile, but they may find another goal. It’s important to be balanced both physically and psychologically.”

Fox has been working out at the fitness center for almost five years now with fitness coordinators Kate Meikle and Mike Dontfraid.

“I work out three times a week,” said Fox. “I always walk on the treadmill.”

mr fox and clark

Fox on his 101st birthday with Clark, grandson of another Whitney Center resident, who was celebrating his 1st birthday that same day.

According to Meikle, Fox tries to walk a mile every time he’s in the gym.

“[Fox] started out by walking on the treadmill for only 10 seconds during his first visit to the fitness center and now he’s worked his way up to over a mile some days,” said Meikle. “He pushes himself and wants to know how much faster others are going to achieve that speed.”

Fox warms up by walking at a speed of 2.6 for 10 minutes and then varies his routine depending on the day. Some days he prefers a long endurance walk for 30 minutes; other days he may choose to do shorter bursts at faster speeds with rests in between.

“I’m motivated by the desire to keep in good physical shape,” said Fox. “But a real man has the common sense to know when to stop and rest.”

For more information about Whitney Center, or to make an appointment to visit the community, call 203-848-2641 or click here.